We've all heard that things happen in threes. Perhaps, this is a reference to the pagan Three-Fold Law. The law states that what you do comes back to you three-fold. If you do good things, you are rewarded three times. If you are unkind, that will likewise be returned three times. This winter, as an illustration of this point, we did not put up enough wood to heat our home for the whole winter. We put up four cords. Last year, we put up four cords, but we had two cords left from the previous year. Coupled with the fact that last year was mild, we severely underestimated our need for this year. There was no need to panic, however, as the neighbors were watching our dwindle wood pile and had, and offered, sufficient stores to keep both houses warm.
The neighbors started talking about burning wood for heat a couple of years ago. They watched us work gathering wood, splitting wood, and stacking wood. They heard us talk about having heat when the power went out. They bought several cords of wood when we bought our last two years ago. The intended to buy their stove that same year, but.... This year, they got their stove. They've been burning and heating, sometimes to uncomfortably high temperatures, if open doors and windows on mid-winter's days are any indication.
They have experienced first hand the joy of wood heat and the requisite amount of work to make it possible. They are older, nearing retirement, and we help wen they need it (probably more often than they like). But, they also see the benefit in a fiscal sense. We have been told several times that in a normal winter they used 1000 gallons of heating oil. This year, in contrast, they have used less than 300. With oil prices where they are, this is a significant cost savings. Of course, as more people switch, wood prices will go up for those buying. Perhaps it will become more difficult for us to get free firewood. Regardless, I think that we modeled what we consider appropriate behaviour and then, someone followed. We did not try to convince them to do as we did, we just did what we do.
The second experience occurred today. I brought a couple of books, Nature's Way
Wendy's forthcoming Surviving The Apocalypse In The Suburbs
This is what we all know and strive to do with our children. Soldiers know it - lead from the front, be a role model. It is how we teach, by demonstration. It is how animals learn in nature. So, as I continue down my MooseBoots path, I will try to be mindful not only of the things happening around me, but of my actions and attitudes, my creative outgoing energy. I am not always successful, but that is why it is a path and not a state of being. I am grateful for all that the Universe has provided, opportunities, teachings, needs satisfied, wants fulfilled, joy and peace.
So, I ask you. What are you modelling? What are you "putting out there"? Who is being reflected back as you look into the surface our you pond? Are you "doing unto others" as you want done to you? Are you paying attention? We create our world and our experience, why not make it a joyful one?
Over the last year or so, I have learned that is turns out to be more productive to lead by example and by quietly pursuing one's path than to try to rope everyone along to see your point of view. I find that doing this in turn makes me look more closely at myself (because I'm not busy telling other people what to do ;) When I make judgements (as I still occasionally do, I trying hard not to, but they still slip out!) I am aware of it almost instantly, and try to rectify it as quickly as possible.
ReplyDeleteI heard a new mantra yesterday, that I even put to use yesterday: "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you" Four simple, but very powerful, statements. The quieter I become, the more I see and the more I hear, and the more I learn...which I can then pass along by example, hopefully.
Life is full of challenges, hurdles, disappointments, roadblocks, but when approached with love, compassion, understanding and more love, it truly is joyful, no matter the circumstances.
Beautiful picture, too, by the way!
ReplyDeleteJulie, those are very wise words. Indeed, most of the "zombies" out there do not recognize this powerful truth. It is really sad that our culture puts so little value, pays lip service really, to these things. As for the pictures ... a little google searching is a good thing when you know what you want. So, I can't really take the credit for anything other than finding them and displaying them.