Monday, May 10, 2010

Beehive Assembled - Check

This, my MooseBoots journey, has been taking a rather splintered path like that of current through a parallel circuit - the paths of least resistance get the most focus.  Of course, it helps when you wait until the last minute and have to get stuff done.  I can not say that I am a full-blown member of the procrastinators club, however.

I have read the books - The Backyard Beekeeper - Revised and Updated: An Absolute Beginner's Guide to Keeping Bees in Your Yard and Garden and The Barefoot BeekeeperSaturday, I assembled our new top bar hive.  The bees should be arriving sometime within the next week.  This is an exciting time, although I wish the bees had been here a week or two ago - the peach trees have already bloomed and the neighbors apple tree is passing its peak.

I still need to gather a few accessories - a spray bottle for sugar water, etc.  The sugar water will be used in lieu of the traditional smoker, per The Barefoot Beekeper.  I still intend to do this without a bonnet, jacket, et al - the other traditional beekeeping tools.  Of course, I reserve the right to change my decision upon the first or any subsequent stinging rebukes from my new friends.

So, my MooseBoots journey could get very exciting very quickly.  I eagerly await the phone call - "Hello, your bees are here.  Come get them."  I'll keep you posted.


  1. This is very exciting! I'm looking forward to hearing and reading about your beekeeping journey! I love the idea of bees and would love to have them around for pollination, but really don't have any interest in being a beekeeper.

  2. Yee-ha! Don't worry about those girls missing out on a few fruit trees, they'll find plenty to keep them busy.

  3. I have decided to wait another year to learn more about beekeeping before getting our own hives, just too much going on - there are certainly alot of honey bees around this year. I'll read the two books you've mentioned and follow your posts - curious how long you'll last without protective garb ;)

    Best of luck in this latest venture!

    (BTW, I'm currently in the process of building a dry stone wall at our home. I was involved in a volunteer project a week ago and am ready to tackle my own! I'll have info on my own blog later...)

  4. Hope, you should look up "mason bees." They're native to North America, unlike honey bees, they're completely docile and don't sting, and you can make "houses" for them so that they will pollinate your plants, but there's not beekeeping involved.

    I AM a full-blown, card carrying member of the Procrastinator's Club. I'd hoped that you wouldn't be so eager to join ;).

  5. Hope, I promise to keep you informed.

    Rowan, I am sure they'll pretty well for themselves around here. I am just hoping to get some peaches for myself.

    Julie, the first book is a better resource about bees in general and would be better for someone planning a traditional hive. The later is geared toward top bar hives and my personal bent of a more natural relationship - bees know bee business better than I ever will. We'll see about the garb. I look forward to your posting about the dry stone wall.

    Wendy, you've certainly got my ear. Anything more natural and native would likely be best. Of course, it will be nice to get a bit of honey, too.


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